Women Sitting On A Couch


Design a life

that you



Women using a Laptop

You're stressed out and overwhelmed...

You know you want more out of life but don't know where to start. It's easy to feel lost and uncertain when it feels like everyone else seems to have it all together except for you.

It's tough to stay focused when so many things are competing for our attention. Between work, family, friends and social obligations, finding time to focus on what matters most to you can be difficult.

Imagine what you could achieve if you have a guide that can help you find clarity and focus on what truly matters to you


Get exclusive access to the latest offers, motivational content, and updates within the

Krushin' Goal community.


I am a Certified Life Coach based in Maryland, providing personalized one-on-one coaching to help high-achieving women bring clarity, calm, and connection between where they are now and where they want to be.

Together, we will identify your unique goals and create a plan to get there and maintain your goal. My experience and passion for helping women reach their goals will help you stay on track and motivated not just to make progress but to keep the momentum.

A Woman Working from Home


Your desire to accomplish your goals runs deep, but the overwhelm and stress in your life is paralyzing

You are in a constant cycle of burnout

and feeling low energy

You keep spinning your wheels, jumping around trying to find what works for you

You feel alone and seek support

and accountability

What you can expect from our Private 1:1 Coaching Program

  • 6 weeks of LIVE 60-minute coaching calls that include personalized feedback, topic-specific coaching, and plenty of time for talking through situations in real-time so that you are always learning more and can immediately implement with clarity.

  • Personalized message support in-between 1:1 calls where you can access Karen Monday - Friday for questions, accountability, feedback, and as much tough love as you could ever need.

  • Tailored resources to help you like: podcasts, articles, and exercises (pre-work and "homework") to help you dig deep into subjects that will elevate your mindset and your goals.

  • Mapped out goals for the next 90 days with focused game-plans for each of your specific goals.


is private 1:1 coaching for you?


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Have no clue what you want to do next but know you HAVE to make a change.

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Want the highest level of support and need more accountability (you know who you are).

Tick Icon

Want the strategy and mindset needed to move forward.



You're not open to some tough love. While I am your biggest cheerleader, I will make you think deeply and be completely honest because I am your coach first.


You want a quick fix and aren't ready to work.


You enjoy the motivation, coaching and information– but, you are not ready to take action.

Why Work With Me

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"Karen you helped me make sense of this situation."

A. Gant

"I used to be of the mindset that it's either all or nothing. Karen has helped challenge me to break down the big picture goals and aspirations in my life to help them be more attainable and not be so overwhelmed."

"Karen listen with no judgement and helped me unlock the fog holding me back."

T. Mills

S. Willis

Discover the 5 critical questions you must ask yourself to set effective and achievable goals. This simple, yet powerful tool will help you gain clarity and focus, and put you on the right path.

Karen Walther


Empowering women to become their own catalysts for change and achieve their goals.

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